Egg dye for yellow color. The package allows you to dye 40 yellow eggs. Also contains gloves.Conditions of storage or use:Wash the eggs well and boil them over low heat so they don't break. Take out the boiled eggs and let them come to room temperature.Pour 1.5 liters of warm water (30 degrees Celsi..
Spice Mix for Greek Feta Cheese with Oregano, Basil, Coriander, Chilli Flakes, Spearmintand and Garlic. Sprinkle the feta Cheese with the mixture, add a bit of olive oil, and enjoy. ..
Ideal combination of aromatic herbs to make a lovely Greek salad. Mixture for Greek salad contains Cretan oregano, basil & peppermint Iliostasio that will give character to your fresh salad and more flavor...
RECIPE FOR TZATZIKI:In a bowl, grate a cucumber and half a carrot and strain them. Then add 500 g of yoghurt, a little olive oil, a little vinegar and 2 tablespoons of the mix for tzatziki AKALLI. Mix it well until it is homogenized. Let it sit in the fridge for 1 to 2 hours and it's ready to enjoy!..